Popular names

Male | Female

Name Popularity
John 6233069
James 5853792
Robert 5468929
Michael 5439307
David 4653647
William 4448437
Joseph 3004161
Richard 2989045
Thomas 2577303
Charles 2575493
Daniel 2402817
Christopher 2321056
Mark 1977561
Matthew 1933634
Paul 1909619
Andrew 1747241
Anthony 1736943
George 1702842
Brian 1665006
Kevin 1659116
Jason 1577821
Steven 1576755
Donald 1547922
Kenneth 1422020
Edward 1417635
Joshua 1416357
Ryan 1393999
Eric 1254284
Ronald 1208051
Timothy 1180948
Scott 1167185
Gary 1137525
Justin 1119903
Jeffrey 1118686
Stephen 1113885
Jonathan 1085141
Frank 1081220
Jacob 1046545
Brandon 1016777
Nicholas 1011973
Larry 962272
Patrick 917079
Peter 896082
Adam 880163
Raymond 873180
Jack 861946
Chris 851476
Mike 844552
Joe 822570
Samuel 822061
Benjamin 808121
Aaron 795042
Gregory 784651
Tyler 775207
Dennis 770308
Jerry 747925
Henry 747195
Alexander 738799
Kyle 718325
Nathan 703360
Jose 686264
Walter 674218
Douglas 650127
Steve 646208
Sean 645908
Alex 641483
Jeremy 635150
Keith 599501
Harold 598958
Carl 596200
Arthur 581016
Zachary 577800
Albert 560206
Terry 551553
Roger 541139
Jesse 540823
Bryan 534506
Christian 530680
Gerald 512884
Tony 511972
Lawrence 510362
Harry 492400
Jordan 492333
Austin 490308
Bruce 489794
Alan 487216
Roy 482742
Billy 481214
Wayne 475253
Willie 470662
Randy 469488
Jeff 468013
Ralph 464468
Craig 462714
Matt 450030
Shawn 445553
Martin 445020
Ethan 444951
Louis 443553
Danny 439678


We have used publicly available data from a number of different sources in order to create a reference list of first names from all over the world. If you wish to change your own name, or looking for a name for a newborn baby this web site is here to help.