Belvie is usually a female name. We have records of this name in 2 data sets. Check below for popularity of name Belvie.
Year | Popularity |
1954 | 0.00% |
1951 | 0.00% |
1950 | 0.00% |
1947 | 0.00% |
1942 | 0.00% |
1941 | 0.00% |
1939 | 0.00% |
1934 | 0.00% |
1927 | 0.00% |
1925 | 0.00% |
1922 | 0.00% |
1921 | 0.00% |
1918 | 0.00% |
1917 | 0.00% |
1916 | 0.00% |
1915 | 0.00% |
1914 | 0.00% |
1909 | 0.00% |
1902 | 0.00% |
1901 | 0.00% |
Year | Popularity |
2010 | 0.00% |