
  Jo-Anne is usually a female name. We have records of this name in 1 data sets. Check below for popularity of name Jo-Anne.


Number of babies named Jo-Anne in Ontario
Detailed statistics from Ontario baby names dataset
Year Popularity
1984 0.01%
1983 0.01%
1982 0.01%
1981 0.01%
1980 0.03%
1979 0.02%
1978 0.03%
1977 0.02%
1976 0.05%
1975 0.05%
1974 0.06%
1973 0.07%
1972 0.05%
1971 0.07%
1970 0.08%
1969 0.08%
1968 0.11%
1967 0.08%
1966 0.10%
1965 0.12%
1964 0.12%
1963 0.15%
1962 0.13%
1961 0.15%
1960 0.16%
1959 0.13%
1958 0.16%
1957 0.18%
1956 0.17%
1955 0.17%
1954 0.19%
1953 0.16%
1952 0.16%
1951 0.17%
1950 0.14%
1949 0.14%
1948 0.18%
1947 0.16%
1946 0.12%
1945 0.13%
1944 0.09%
1943 0.08%
1942 0.10%
1941 0.05%
1940 0.04%
1939 0.05%
1938 0.02%
1937 0.02%
1936 0.02%
1935 0.02%
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